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Dunalp, Orrin E., Jr., "Tesla Sees Evidence That Radio and Light Are Sound," N.Y. Times, X, p. 9, April 8, 1934.
Linde, Carl, "Process and Apparatus for Attaining Lowest Temperatures, for Liquefying Gases, and for Mechanically Separating Gas Mixtures," The Engineer, p. 509, Nov. 20, 1896.
Nichelson, Oliver, "Nikola Tesla's Later Energy Designs," IECEC, 26th Proceedings, Am. Nuclear Society, Vol. 4, pp. 439-444, 1991.
Nichelson, Oliver, "Nikola Tesla's 'Free Energy' Documents," American Fork, Utah, 1993.
Tesla, Nikola, "Experiments with Alternate Currents of High Potential and High Frequency," IEE, London, Feb. 1892, reproduced in Nikola Tesla: Lectures * Patents * Articles (hereafter, LPA), published by the Nikola Tesla Museum, Nolit, Beograd, 1956, p. L-105.
Tesla, Nikola, "Coil for Electro-Magnets," U.S. Patent #512,340, Jan. 9, 1894.
Tesla, Nikola, "On Electricity," Electrical Review, Jan 27, 1897, in LPA, p. A-107.
Tesla, Nikola, Letter to R.U. Johnson, 1902, in the Nikola Tesla Collection, Rare Book and Manuscript Library, Columbia University, New York City. Page 200 of the magazine corresponds to pages A-138 and 139 in LPA.
Tesla, Nikola, "The Problem of Increasing Human Energy, Century Magazine, June 1900, in LPA, pp. A-109 to A-152.
Tesla, Nikola, "Famous Scientific Illusions," Electrical Experimenter, Gernsback Publications, Feb. 1919, pp. 692-694 ff.
Tesla, Nikola, "The True Wireless," Electrical Experimenter, Gernsback Publications, May 1919, pp. 28-30 ff.